Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Building a Smoothly Functioning Team in an Organizational Environment - A study by Artur Victoria

The development of an organization structure which can create, adapt to, and prosper with change represents a major challenge to the human resources executive and the chief executive officer. The problem is not one of developing appropriate objectives; most companies do this reasonably well, and a number of examples have been presented. The problem seems to revolve around the development of an organization design to meet these objectives. More is involved here than merely shuffling titles from block to block on paper or following the principles described in the preceding chapter. This is not to minimize their importance, because they are necessary. But the manager is dealing with human resources and with variations in individual availability, competence, personality, and goals. He must organize these into a logical structure that most effectively utilizes each key individual knowledge, talents, and energy. Thus building the organization structure is fundamental to building a smoothly functioning team in an organizational environment that stimulates and motivates rather than stifles or depresses. leia todo o artigo

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