The importance of clear and lucid methods of statement is not appreciated by many young people who are anxious to get on in the world. They take too long in coming to the point. Often this is because they fail to realize exactly what they want to say. They try to make up their minds while talking or writing, instead of doing so beforehand. Some people can only think while they are expressing themselves. This is a bad habit.
Revision and re-writing are useful methods of self-education. Nothing is more irritating to a busy man than a long-winded garrulous letter or visitor, particularly when the writer or caller wants a favor. It is a common error to imagine that one's object can be achieved by a tortuous approach instead of by a plain, direct statement. The result is irritation and an unnecessary waste of time in preliminaries. It does not mean, of course, that the visitor should dash hurriedly into the room and blurt out the object of his visit. Consistently with good manners, he should state his business as quickly and briefly as he can. But he should be careful to state it. Many people occupy so much time in preliminaries and non-essentials that they omit matters of importance. leia todo o artigo