Friday, February 7, 2014

How to Downsize Human Resources - A study by Artur Victoria

You should consider ways in which you can attenuate (or might unwittingly exacerbate) the psychological costs for workers and reputation costs for your organization. Indeed, you should be thinking about these things as you debate whether to downsize at all. The key here is the process of downsizing.

Perhaps the most important way to attenuate the psychological costs is implicit in what we said above about the "moral from the data": By tying downsizing to a broader and sensible change initiative, a firm gives its workforce a sensible and credible reason for why this pain must be inflicted, a vision of what sort of better future beckons after the suffering is over, and a broader purpose around which the survivors can rally. The research literature, as well as assessments from practitioners who have lived through downsizing, suggest some further conditions that can help minimize the adverse effects of layoffs on the attitudes and work performance of those that stays: leia todo o artigo